Martin Meeks

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New Orleans -NOLA- Camarilla -NOLA- Nosferatu

Nosferatu martin.png


Appearance: Martin is a gaunt and rather tall, with dark brown eyes. He dresses almost solely in black, occasionally opting for dark blue, brown or gray when he wants a change.

Behavior: He is usually on some business for Prince Marcel and really doesn't have time to sit and chat with anyone. If others care to try to keep up with him they will find his answers are very short and direct. Unlike his sire he is not very talkative, preferring to stay away from others. He never had his sire's ability to see who was manipulating things behind the scenes, and this leaves him constantly on edge.

History: While most Nosferatu find it extremely difficult to gain acceptance among the Kindred, Martin's Experience was quite the opposite. Embraced by a respected elder to serve Prince Doran, he found himself welcomed almost at once — something he found extremely unsettling. Martin has never felt worthy of his accolades and has only worked harder because of this. Now his grotesque appearance makes him feel even more unworthy.

Martin was Lawrence Meeks' third childe. The other two were a young woman named Avery and a man in his early 20s named Roger. Both had done well in their positions; Martin, being the youngest of the three was determined to not disappoint his sire. Nor did he.

In the years he worked for his sire, Martin learned all he could from him, becoming nearly Lawrence's equal in the art of espionage. In 1885, when Lawrence retired, Martin was the natural choice to replace him and so became the unofficial head of the network. For the next 30 years he served in his post very well, adhering to Lawrence's methods. In 1915, however, Doran dealt Martin a harsh blow to his career when, without warning or explanation, Doran appointed Marcel the official head of the network. Martin could find no justification for Marcel's appointment to his post, but also knew that there was little he could do but accept it.

For the next 40 years things went fairly well for New Orleans. A great deal of the turmoil that had plagued the city since its founding seemed to subside. Doran continued his plans to shape New Orleans into his utopian dream. In 1955, however, Marcel reported that word had come from Lafayette of an assassination plot aimed at Doran. Marcel claimed that the Black Spiral Dancers were planning the assassination as part of their war against the Uktena. Marcel then chose Martin and two others from the network to go to Lafayette and attempt to learn more of the plot.

During the few nights that Martin and his group were gone, disaster struck in New Orleans. By the time Martin and the other returned to the city, Doran had been destroyed.

Over the next several weeks the struggle for power reached its crescendo, during which time Martin stayed with his sire. When the chaos subsided, Marcel had been crowned Prince of New Orleans, and Martin found himself reappointed to his former post as head of the spy network.

Today Martin still serves as head of the network. Whereas he may not necessarily like Marcel, he does acknowledge Marcel's position and feels it is his duty to serve him. Martin harbors suspicions against the young Ventrue and his place in the events that led to Doran's death, though to date he has never been able to prove anything. Indeed he often feels that his first obligation is to his sire.

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