Marius's Statistics

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Marius Egnatius
Circa: 211 B.C.E.
Born: 185 B.C.E.
Demeanor: Critic
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Social: Appearance 2
Skills: Archery 1 (Specialty: Firing from Horseback), Commerce 1, Ride 1 (Specialty: Trick Riding)
Knowledges: Hearth Wisdom 1, Seneschal 1
Backgrounds: Allies 4 (Equestrian families), Contacts 3 (Legionary Calvary), Fame 1, Familiar 2 (Warhorse - Sabazios), Influence 1 (calvary), Resources 3, Status 2 (Decurio)
Merits: Nine Lives (6pt Supernatural), Animal Affinity - Horses (1pt Social)
Destiny: Marius will survive the destruction of the Ninth Legion and along with his cohorts Julius Valerius and Brutus Pontius, he will act as the leader of the Empress Julia Domna's equestrian guards when she returns home to Rome. As an associate of the Empress, he will rise in station under a succession of emperors of the Severan Dynasty. Eventually, he will retire to the Ponnonian Frontier to raise horses and will become caught in the dynastic struggles of the Tzimisce Clan of vampires, in which he will ultimately be embraces as a childe of the so called Old Clan.