Mariline's Statistics

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Circa: 2002 C.E.
Born: 1890 C.E.
Concept: Murdered Creole Prostitute
Death: 1917 C.E.
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Apparent Age: Late 20s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Talents: Alertness 2 (dangerous johns), Athletics 2 (sexual positions), Dodge 2 (bitch-slap), Empathy 2 (sexual needs), Expression 1 (talking dirty), Streetwise 1 (Storyville), Subterfuge 1 (little white lies)
Skills: Etiquette 3 (keeping silent, lady-like), Melee 1 (hair-pins), Performance 3 (acting, seduction), Security 1, Stealth 2 (tip-toeing)
Knowledges: Finance 1 (haggling), Linguistics 1 (English, French), Medicine 1 (back-alley abortions), Occult 2 (tarot)
Arcanoi 5: Embody 1, Fatalism 1, Keening1 , Pandemonium 1, Puppetry 1
Backgrounds 7:
Permanent Corpus: 10
Temporary Corpus: 10
Passions: 10
Fetters: 10
Flaws / Merits:
Pathos: 5+ Memoriam
Willpower: 5
Freebie Points: 15
Shadow Creation: See - Chapter 6