Magical Addict

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Physical Merits & Flaws

3 or 5 or 7 point Flaw

Whether through a weak will, a lingering anomaly from your mortal days or overuse of ritual components like kalif, you have become addicted to the alchemical psychoactive drugs that some sorcerers use to focus their blood magic. Going beyond a mere physical or psychological addiction, this dependence goes so far as to affect your very mastery of the powers at your command. Your competence with Sorcery is dependent on the frequency at which you cater to your addiction.
If you take this Flaw at 3 points, suffer a +2 difficulty to all rolls related to blood magic, including (but not limited to) use of path powers and ritual, whenever you are not under the effects of your drug of choice. For 5 points, you are completely unable to to focus yourself enough to perform even the simplest blood magic if the drug is not in your system.
This flaw is primarily related to Assamites and Dur'An'Ki sorcery. However, it can relate to other Sorcery, or even (for 7 points), all supernatural abilities, including all disciplines.