Mages of Paris - 1900

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Paris - La Belle Époque


As a major center of western culture, Paris has attracted its fair share of will-workers over the centuries. Major events from the history of the Awakened, like the Paris University Purge, which marks the begin of the Pogrom, as well as Czar Vargo's speech at the Exhibition of 1900 against the ever growing construction of war machines, have taken place here.

As a result, the city plays host to various magical factions. Of special notes is the laboratory of the Sons of Ether, which had to be briefly shut down during the German occupation of 1940. Four Hermetic Chantries, one constructed originally by the Founder Tytalus, have historically been constructed in and around the city, and Paris continues to act as a stronghold for their numbers. Another place of notice is the café Le Corbeau Cruel near the Notre Dame, which is managed by a family of Hollow Ones, and it acts as an informal gathering place for displaced Orphans who seek to orientate themselves following their Awakening.

The Technocratic Union

Æsculpian Order (Progenitors)

Electrodyne Engineers (Will be Sons of the Ether)

Mage Paul Bélanger.jpg Paul Bélanger -- Maître Ingénieur, Speaker for the Traditions of Paris.
Mage Gaylor Reynaud.jpg Gaylor Reynaud -- Temporal pioneer & creator of the Temporal Occulus.
Mage Vargo Zamtredia2.jpg Vargo Zamtredia -- Genius polymath of Forces / Matter who engineered the Matter Transfer Gateway and the Zamtredia's Stage II Conversion Engine.

Explorators of Paris (Void Engineers)

Invisible Exchequers (Syndicate)

Iteration X of Paris

Lightkeepers (New World Order)

The Light Keepers of Paris are a very active group. They have several active area's in the city that they are working to solidify the paradigm. To that end the Light Keepers have maintained a pogrom of creating dissension for the Traditions and the other Supernaturals in the city. This pogrom is kept within the upper echelons of the Ivory Tower. There has been concern for some time that there is dissension in the Union. They know that there has been less than full cooperation from the Aetheric Order. The Master Maker and Dr. Lebron have clashed more than once.

It has become very important that Andrée Reynaud maintain her Socialization Program so she is guaranteed to be faithful to the Union over her love of her husband. Dr. Lebron is doing his best to keep her contained, and perhaps creating some distance between the two love birds.

Mage Adonis Lebron 2.jpg Dr. Adonis Lebron -- Ivory Tower, Director
Lebron Mark III.jpg Mr. Machina -- Lebron Mark III
Mage Light-Keeper lady.jpg Andrée Anina Reynaud -- (Ivory Tower) She is married to Gaylor Reynaud, a brilliant member of the Electrodyne Engineers.

Tradition Lodges

Lois de Non-Interférence

  • Les traditions ne se mêlent pas aux affaires de la communauté vampirienne The Mages will not meddle in the affairs of the Vampiric community.
  • Des actions hostiles seront signalées au Président Hostile actions will be reported to the Speaker.
  • Les Mages s'abstiendront des spectacles publics de Power Mages will refrain from public displays of Power.

Ahl-i-Batin de Paris - La Belle Époque

Chœur Céleste de Paris Pendant La Belle Epoque

Culte de L'Ecstasy

Chakravanti of Paris - La Belle Époque

Order of Hermes - La Belle Époque

Verbena La Belle Époque

Order of the Red Robes

Disparates (Crafts)

Hem-ka Sobek

Knights Templar

Military Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon Paris


  • -- Khunufseh -- An Egyptian mage who established a chantry in Paris and actively recruits other mages into the Black Hand. He is most likely of the Euthanatos tradition but there is no proof to that. The Qadi have called for his head but the rest of the Hand is reluctant to do so, meanwhile Khunufseh continues to search for more mages.

Taftâni of Paris - La Belle Époque

Wu Keng