Mad Scientist

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Science is not a field for cowards and fools. You understand that technology expands only when brave souls such as yourself dare the unthinkable and push past the established norms of hidebound preconceptions. Yes, those cowards and fools do falter when they behold the scope of your temerity. Let them! Just as Vesalius defied taboos when he performed dissections or Galileo challenged the Church with his discoveries, so too must other visionaries stand firm and expand the reach of science… visionaries including, of course, yourself.

You do, in fact, have Vision. It’s probably your greatest strength. Pursing that vision despite all obstacles, you move the boundaries of reality through sheer determination. Problem is, you are Batshit Insane. There are reasons that other people have not dared the things you do or, if they have, that they’re reviled names in the Halls of Infamy. The Technocracy, Virtual Adepts, and especially the Etherites might depend upon minds like yours, but they also keep a wary eye out for the times when you’ll go too far – because you will.

– Regain Willpower when you successfully bend the rules of your technomancer sect while still applying something that seems oddly like science (see the sidebar SCIENCE!!!, p. 290) and manage to avoid invoking Paradox. This feat should feature a bizarre stroke of ingenuity that shouldn’t work and yet somehow does. (Simply using magick does not count – after all, you’re not some kind of sorcerer!)