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●●●●●●● -- MOON CHARIOT

Dice Pool: Strength + Drive

Cost: 1 Divinity per 200 lbs.

Description: The character says a quick prayer under the night sky, praising the moon God or Goddess who granted him access to this Dominion. In response, a silver chariot descends, pulled by two black horses with manes, hooves and eyes of pure moonlight.

The chariot can carry and store comfortably up to 200 pounds of people or equipment per point of Divinity the character spends (up to a maximum number equal to the Avatar’s Divinity rating). It moves at a maximum 500 miles per hour. It can fly as high or low as the character commands, and it will wait patiently at any height for as long as the character commands it to. The chariot lasts until daybreak, after which it lands and immediately becomes intangible, returning to the Overworld whence it came.

Taking control of the chariot is not easy. Doing so requires a successful (Strength + Drive) roll at difficulty 8. Failing this roll causes the horses to run wild at full speed, going wherever they please (up to the Storyteller) until the Avatar can regain control. If the Avatar’s player should botch this roll, the chariot not only goes out of control but crashes somewhere far away before returning to the Overworld. If the Avatar who summoned the chariot fears such an occurrence, he can have one of the other, stronger passengers take the reins and try to drive. Successfully taking control of the chariot once in a night is enough to make the horses respond to standard-difficulty (Strength + Drive) rolls for the rest of the night.

This Moon Chariot can be summoned only at night, and only once per night by the same Avatar.