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(GUIDE ●●●●)

The term “valkyrie horse” as used in Nordic poetry is something of a misnomer. The steeds of the valkyries were actually ferocious wolves big enough to carry a person and capable of flight. Today, many Scions of the Aesir ride them as well. More than a few titanspawn have big wolves of their own—not even the largest valkyrie steed wolf is as big as a typical fenrir (see pp. 317-318). The Scion most typically summons a valkyrie steed by blowing on a war horn specially crafted for him and spending a point of Legend.


Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity ●●●, Stamina ●●●●●; Charisma ●●, Manipulation ●, Appearance ●●●; Perception ●●●●, Intelligence ●●, Wits ●●●
Divine Attributes: Attributes: MIGHT ● (Uplifting Might)

Abilities: Athletics ●●●●, Awareness 2, Brawl ●●●●, Investigation ●, Presence ●●, Fortitude 3, Stealth ●●, Survival 3

Virtues: Courage ●●●, Endurance ●●, Expression ● and Loyalty ●●●.

Supernatural Powers
Flight - A valkyrie horse flies at 70 miles per hour out of combat or at three times its normal movement rate in combat.
Initiative 5
Bite Accuracy 11, Damage 7L, Parry DV —, Speed 5
Soak 3L/5B
Health Levels -0x2/-1x2/-2x2/-4/I
Willpower 6
Dodge 5
Divinity 3
Divinity Points 9
Other Notes None


Pg.328 Scion Hero - Book 1