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The Madra Dhu are Celtic undead who originated in Gaul before the founding
of the Roman Empire. After the savagery of Julius Caesar's legions destroyed their
native resting places this un-living breed spread westward into Britannia (England),
Caledonia (Scotland), Eire (Ireland) and south into Iberia (Spain) and the Roman
provinces of North Africa. Throughout the remainder of history they continued their
association with peoples of Celtic ancestry and followed them like a silent plague.

Legend holds that the Madra Dhu were born from the nightmares of the gods, but like most
undead they must be cursed by a powerful undead master of which there are blessedly few
and whose territoriality makes those not created by a local master unwanted vagrants who
can at best expect a chill reception and at worst annihilation. Madra Dhu are unique in that
regardless of the Madra Dhu's physical age before death, upon the cursed resurrection, their
form returns to its physical prime. Similarly, these Celtic undead are gifted shape-shifters
taking on the form of a predatory animal like: bears, hunting birds, cats of various sizes,
dogs and wolves.

Save for their ability to take on a bestial-shape Madra Dhu follow the standard undead
template fairly closely. Like all undead direct sunlight, fire, and holy symbols wielded
by a true believer of a given faith are anathema to them. Unlike the template, Madra Dhu
are unaffected by garlic, but are allergic to mistletoe (toxic) and grievously wounded by items of
cold iron (caustic). These Celtic undead may assume their chosen bestial form as a reflexive action
and at no cost, and gain the benefits of the chosen animal's form and the bonus of it's
feral instincts (+3 dice to all Perception based rolls).

Madra Dhu regain Divinity by draining the blood of those they have terrified, they regain
one point of Divinity for each victim slain and gain no sustenance without the victim's
terror. The blood of a slain Avatar confers one point of Divinity for every point of permanent
Divinity the Avatar had.


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