Lore of Harvest

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Halaku Lores

Description: In the Seventh Age of Creation, God created the last of the Sebettu or divine houses of angels, the seventh was called the House of Halaku. The purpose of the Halaku was to unmake those creatures who had outlived their use in the grand plan. The second of their lores is the Lore of Harvest, it is a lore of endings, but also strangely of new beginnings for nothing ever created by God was ever allowed to completely disappear. This lore concerns itself with the timely death of all things, be they plants, animals or God's favored creation, mankind.

It is important to understand that the Lore of Harvest isn't a divine weapon, but rather a means by which to keep creation in balance and to preserve the memory of each unique creature made by God. While the Lore of Harvest is about death, there are no lethal powers or mystic weapons within its purview, rather in keeping with its namesake this lore allows a Angelus (angel or demon) to consult the Book of Life (God's master plan for all living things from the beginning of creation to the end of time) on the prescribed time and manner by which all living things are to die and to be present to observe and record those deaths.

God, being all-knowing, understood that his clockwork creation might need upkeep and adjustment, granted the Halaku a means by which to update the Book of Life and powers by which to capture the Ephemera of all dying creatures. The Halaku were empowered to take within themselves the Ephemera of dying beings to preserve them as memories carried with the being of the immortal angelus until such a time as the creator would have need of them again. Ever wise, the creator also gave the angelus of Halaku the ability to anchor a soul before it had even died as a backup in case anomalies within creation could lead to the loss of even a single being's Ephemera.

Although the angelus of Halaku are immortal and nearly indestructible, they were not made with an infinite capacity to store Ephemera, especially not of such complex beings as mankind. Thus the Lore of Harvest possesses a final power that allows the angelus to regurgitate the Ephemera of any dead creature that they carry, placing it in a spiritual slumber and preserving it by encasing it in a protective caul from which it can be reawakened at a later date.

Hour of Harvest



●● Change of Plans



●●● Gather the Crop



●●●● Anchor Ephemera



●●●●● Cold Storage



