Lore of Exogenesis

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Halaku Lores

Description: Exogenesis - the Hidden Lore, the lore the rebel Halaku used to enter the Void and imitate God in the act of creation. Haven or the Underworld as it would later be called was a pale imitation of God's works, but still it took its inspiration from the Creator and it is therefore divine. But the rebel angels of death had never created whole cloth a new lore, nor were they in the habit of creation at all, and the act of establishing an entirely new facet of reality within which to hide their precious human souls was something of a work in progress.

Thus they began at the beginning or rather at the end, of creation that is, and found the edge of the Void. Never before had the Halaku walked the Void, only the Creator had done so, for God had made creation and then set the angels loose within its confines to give it form and substance. As the first of his living creations, the angels were divine and so they possessed the ability to navigate the emptiness and to give it form and substance if only a little at a time. They ventured forth forging paths into the nothingness, initially creating shortcuts from one part of creation to the next.

In time they filled in the emptiness between their roads with lands created from the stuff of memory.

Where the Sidewalk Ends



●● A Bridge Too Far



●●● The Undiscovered Country



●●●● Fortresses of Memory



●●●●● Boundaries and Borders



