Lore: Fae (Superstitious version)

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Fae -x- Secondary Abilities

Description: This lore is more from the point of view taken by those who are not part of the logical static world. Mages, Changing breeds, and Fae themselves would know these things from this perspective. Within the Hedge logic and rules are a lot more maleable than in the world of men, and the Fae work hard to keep the two worlds overlapping so that they continue to have power here. Pushed as they are out of the cities, only the goblins, knockers, trolls, and redcaps have much call to live amongst men. This means that most humans deal most often with the Unseelie court and the Wyld kin who thrive on chaos and death. If Dreams and creative energy is the fuel that fires the power and souls of the Fae, in most cities there is far too little appreciation for the world other than the destructive arts.

●○○○○Rumor Follower: You know that there are things which the witches and pagans call on, that some call Fae. You have heard that they take on many forms, some dark and twisted, some light and beautiful. You have heard that they specialize in emotion magic, illusions, and misdirection. Many legends abound on the book shelves about how the Fae love to bargain. The crystal sellers tell you that the Fae are forces of nature, and don't die.

●●○○○Beginner: The Fae seem to be divided among the seasons. Different seasons seem to attract different types of Fae. You have heard that there are hidden paths in the world that are bound between the mortal lands and the lands of the Fae. You have heard that some Fae take children to train and keep as slaves in these lands. You know that these lands have many names, Avalon, Dreamtime, Never-Never, Hedges. You have heard that the words of Fae have power, and bargains made, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant are binding and powerful. You have heard that names have power, and that seldom do Fae give their true names, and seldom their true faces to mortals, mages, or changing breeds. It is common knowledge at this level that cold iron is an insult to the Fae, and those that carry it are held in scorn and often treated harshly. At this level it is known that among the Fae there are all manner of beasts that fall under the species of Fae, Goblins, Trolls, Alfar, Fairies, Redcaps, Knockers, Gnomes, Dwarves, Domovoy, Ban Sidhe, Dok Alfar, Treants, Leshsidhe to name only a few.

●●●○○Scipling: At this level the knowledge assures that there are not only the four seasons represented by the factions of Fae, but also that there are both the Seelie(light) and Unseelie(Dark) courts. The aspects of season bear on the nature of the Fae's personality, though there is no doubt that the fiery anger of the Spring and Summer than the cold, logical fury of the Autumn and Winter are equally dangerous. At this level it is known that bargains made with the Fae are binding on a metaphysical level, and woe to those who wish to welch on a deal made with the Fae. No mage ever had an edge on the power of the Fae to force the upholding of a bargain. The Hulderfolk meddle in the affairs of men, pushing to ensure their continued place amongst them. The challenge among the lessers to gain a common name amongst the mortals for the gathering of power. Just as Wraiths desire to be remembered, Fae desired to be known and called upon. Those who know this much have heard of the Trods, openings in the mists like gateways that lead into what is known as the Hedge. This is a place where five steps can equal a thousand miles in the mortal realms, or take the knowledgeable to other worlds or perhaps to the other side of the street. Trods are seldom stable and prone to opening and closing with the moon, stars, and weather.

●●●●○Sidhe-wise: At this level there greater powers among the Fae, and as in most things, not all Fae are born equal. Sidhe-wise have begun to understand the power of names and how the speaking and use of certain names creates power and resonance in the Universe. Sidhe-wise have heard that there are Dukes, Princes, Princesses, Barons, Barronets, amongst the Fae. Greater than these are the Maidens, Pages, Lords and Ladies, Eldest, and Crones of each of the seasons. Major powers indeed. Most do not speak of them, for their power is such that even whispering their names creates tremors that ring like bells in the Hedges. Sidhe-wise have begun to figure out what markers show the presence of a gate into the Hedge. The truly brave have walked some of the paths and come back to the world of men. The unfortunate have left friends and bits of their soul in the Never-Never. At this level the understanding of the abilities of the Fae is strong, and there is knowledge on how to avoid the dweomers of the Fae, or lessen their power. Sidhe-wise know of the fantastic treasures and power available to those who will dedicate themselves to the service of the Fae, there are even rumors that those who will bargain deeply with the Fae can gain immortality and riches beyond the ken of mankind. Young and weaker Fae know this much.


Possessed by: Mages, Changing Breeds, Malkavians, Hunters, Hedge Magicians

Specialties: Seelie, Unseelie, Seasons, Breeds, The Ways