Lore: Assamite
This Lore represents knowledge of the social structure, traditions and myths of Clan Assamite. It also represents how well a character might be able to recognize the names of famous Assamites and know the trends of the Clan within given regions.
Generally Possessed By: Assamites, Assamite antitribu
Potential Specializations: Assamite/Baali History, Assamite History, Assamite Religious Practice, Sorcerer Castle Lore, Warrior Caste Lore, Vizier Caste Lore
Sources Consulted for this List: Chaining the Beast [WW2432], Children of the Night [WW2023], Clanbook: Assamite [WW205], Clanbook: Assamite (Revised Edition) [WW2359], Clanbook: Baali [WW2817], The Kindred's Most Wanted [WW2230], Laws of the Night (Revised Edition) [WW5013], Libellus Sanguinis III: Wolves at the Door [WW2823], Player's Guide to the Low Clans [WW20006], Vampire: The Masquerade (Revised Edition) [WW2300], un-published material by Clayton Oliver (author of the Revised Clanbook) taken from Assamites.com line
These knowledges rely heavily on the interpretation of Clan Assamite as presented in the Revised Clanbook than on the one presented in the earlier 2nd Edition Clanbook. As such, accounts of Haqim in En'esh as listed here as quaint apocrypha, earlier accounts of the Assamite Embrace are omitted, and references to the Khabar and to terms such khafir (infidels), munnafiqun (hypocrites) and shahid (martyr) are, by and large, not present.
[hide]Lore: Assamite *
You know that the primary Assamite Disciplines are Celerity, Quietus and Obfuscate, and that Quietus is unique to their Clan. (LotN [Rev]: 47; VtM [Rev]: 91)
You know that Assamites thirst unceasingly for Kindred vitae and that they have a reputation being both serial diablerists and professional assassins. (LotN [Rev]: 47; VtM [Rev]: 91)
You are aware that until recently, the Assamites had been placed under a curse by Clan Tremere which physically prevented them from imbibing Kindred vitae. (LotN [Rev]: 46-47; VtM [Rev]: 90; CbA: 15-16; CbA [Rev]: 26)
You have heard that the progenitor of the Clan is known as Haqim and that he has a unique relation to his Clan in contrast to other Antediluvians. You know that there is apparently more of a historical record following him, and he enjoys near god-like status within the Clan's ideology. (CbA: 14-15; CbA [Rev]: 8-19; PGttLC: 16)
You know that the Clan follows a very rigid hierarchy and that it is centralized around a location known as Alamut. (LotN [Rev]: 46; VtM [Rev]: 91)
You know that recently the Clan seems to have endured some sort of schism, and that a sizable portion of Assamites joined (or have at least made arrangements with) the Camarilla. (CbA [Rev]: 52-56)
Lore: Assamite **
You know that Haqim was said to have been set up by the other Antediluvians as a judge for their unruly childer, and that Assamites strive to carry out this imperative. (CbA [Rev]: 106; PGttLC: 16)
You are aware that the Assamites have developed their own Path of Enlightenment, known as the Path of Blood, which a great number of them follow, especially among the Loyalist faction. You know that the Path of Blood emphasizes the cursed nature of vampiric existence and calls the followers of Haqim to judge and eventually execute all non-Assamite Cainites as impure. You know that it is from this path that the infamous ritual diablerie practiced by Clan Assamite descends, as it is said to bring one closer to Haqim. (CtB: 35-49; LotN [Rev]: 76-77; LS3: 52; VtM [Rev]: 288-289)
You know that the curse upon the Assamites was created by the Tremere at the end of the First Anarch Revolt. (CbA: 15-16; CbA [Rev]: 26; VtM [Rev]: 90)
You are aware that there are, in fact, multiple castes of Assamites: Warriors, Viziers and Sorcerers, and that each of them fulfill a different function within the Clan hierarchy. You are aware that most Assamites which outsiders encounter are Warriors. (CbA [Rev]: 38-46; LotN [Rev]: 47; LS3: 59-61)
You are further aware that Assamite Disciplines listed in the first level of Lore apply only to the Warrior caste. You know that the Viziers possess Auspex and the Sorcerers possess Thuamaturgy rather than Celerity. (CbA [Rev]: 38-46; LotN [Rev]: 47; LS3: 59-61)
You know that the Clan is traditionally ruled by the eldest among them, and that Assamites will generally defer to the eldest of their kind in a given city (sometimes called the Castellan). You know that they are collectively ruled by the Eldest in Alamut, sometimes known as the "Old Man." (CbA: 10, 23; CbA [Rev]: 33-34, LS3: 62)
You know and can recite the Laws of Haqim. (CbA [Rev]: 48-52)
You know that the Du'at is a tier of leadership advising the Eldest in Alamut, which comprises of the three heads of the respective castes: the Caliph, head of the Warriors; the Vizier or Fikiri, head of the Viziers; and the Amr, head Sorcerers. (CbA: 22-23; CbA [Rev]: 34-36; LS3: 59-61)
You know that the silisia are a group that were supposed to directly serve the Du'at as peace keepers and interpreters of Haqim's laws. (CbA: 22; CbA [Rev]: 36; PGttLC: 18-19; LS3: 62)
You know that the schism occurred with the return of Ur-Shulgi, who claims to be the chosen herald of Haqim. Since his return the Assamites have split into multiple camps. They are: the Loyalists, who follow Ur-Shulgi; the Schismatics, who follow Al-Ashrad, the former Amr of the Du'at; the antitribu, who have joined the Sabbat (also known as the Unconquered or the Angels of Caine); and the Dispossessed, who claim no affiliation. (CbA: 65; CbA [Rev]: 52-56; LS3: 53-54)
You know that an Assamite's skin gradually becomes darker over time, rather than paler. Al-Ashrad is the notable exception. (VtM [Rev]: 90; CbA [Rev]: 40; CotN: 89)
You have heard of legendary Assamites such as: Izhim Ur-Baal, one of the Four Seraphs of the Black Hand, present at the Convention of Thorns; Jamal, the former reigning eldest in Alamut, destroyed by Ur-Shulgi; and Thetmes, current Caliph of Alamut. (CbA: 64; CbA [Rev]: 34; LS3: 59)
Lore: Assamite ***
You have heard the stories of how Haqim created each caste in the Second City, of how he founded Alamut from a solid mountain by striking it with his spear, and of how he eventually left, disgusted with his childer's bickering. (PGttLC: 16-17; CbA [Rev]: 9-11)
You have heard some bizarre apocryphal legends that claim that Haqim was somehow responsible for his own Embrace, and that he was opposed from the beginning to the works of Khayyin (Caine) and his childer. You know that no modern loyalists in Clan Assamite hold this viewpoint. (CbA: 13-14)
You know about the series of events in the First Anarch Revolt that led to the Tremere curse and have probably read the Treaty of Tyre. You are aware that the Clan at the time refused to capitulate and join the Camarilla. (CbA: 15-17; CbA [Rev]: 24-26; LotN [Rev]: 46-47)
You know that prior to the lifting of the curse, Assamite sorcerers were said to have created a ritual whereby one could create a false diablerie through the rarification of accumulated blood, and this is why the warrior-assassins for so long accepted blood as payment for their services and tithed it to their Sires. (LS3: 59)
You are aware that the "true" Path of Blood, sometimes classically referred to as the Tariq el-Haqim, was not practiced in it's current "pure" form for a vast period of time, as it largely fell out of practice in all regions save Alamut proper after the Clan's defeat following the Second Anarch Revolt. You know that it has largely been revived due to the return of Ur-Shulgi and the breaking of the Tremere Curse. (CtB: 35-39)
You have heard rumors that one of the major Paths of Enlightenment within the Sabbat was created by Assamite antitribu. (CtB: 43)
You are familiar with the Council of Scrolls, an organization of the Sorcerer and Vizier castes dedicated to assorted scholarly pursuits. You know that the Council holds fifteen seats as follows: The Seat of sums, dedicated to mathematical pursuits; The Seat of Copper and Lightening, dedicated to Electrical Science and Computer Technology; The Seat of Mirrors, dedicated to surveillance and information transfer; The Seat of Storms, dedicated to natural sciences; The Seat of the Book, dedicated to theology and philosophy; The Seat of Fire and Steel, dedicated to weapons technology; The Seat of Wheel, Whig and Oar, dedicated to transportation technology; The Seat of Glass and Smoke, dedicated to chemistry and alchemy; The Seat of Mists, dedicated to spiritualism; The Seat of Gold, dedicated to economic science; The Seat of Dust and Bone, dedicated to archeology; The Seat of Wind and Stone, dedicated to mortal politics; The Seat of Tongues, dedicated to linguistics; The Seat of Stars, dedicated to astronomy and astrology, and the Seat of Flesh, dedicated to medicine. (CbA [Rev]: 39)
You are aware that there are slight abnormalities inherent to each of the castes, similar to Clan flaws. You know that the Viziers tend to be maddeningly obsessive about their specializations; that the sorcerers seem to be constantly imbued with the aura of their blood magic; and that the warriors always show signs of diablerie (regardless of whether or not they have performed the deed). (CbA [Rev]: 38-46)
You are aware of some of the terms used to describe ranks of the various castes. You know that among Warriors, one can range from the rank of fida'i (a young initiate) to rafiq (a self sufficient combatant). Among Viziers and Sorcerers, the ranking goes from Aspirant (any scholar not yet proven) all the way to Full Master. (CbA [Rev]: 36-38; LotN [Rev]: 46)
You have heard of the order of female warriors known as the Sisterhood of the Erinyes, and of the "Thousand-Meter Club," an informal grouping of any Assamites who have managed to kill another Kindred from a kilometer away or more. (CbA [Rev]: 56-57, 60)
You are aware that the antitribu made up the bulk of the Sabbat's elite fighting force, the Black Hand. (CbA [Rev]: 54)
You are aware that the Assamites have been credited with embracing such historical figures as Mata Hari (although this is disputed by the Ravnos). (CbA [Rev]: 98)
You have heard of the Heartsblood, a mystical well once rumored to be within Alamut. It is said to bubble with the Cainite vitae of any and all Assamites who ever poured their own blood into it as was once customary for pilgrims to Alamut. You know that in olden times all Assamites were expected to make such a pilgrimage within the first seven years of their Embrace. (CbA: 25; PGttLC: 18; LS3: 51, 54)
You have heard of the Leopards of Zion, a uniquely Jewish Assamite order. You also know of the now defunct Spear of Destiny, a similar Christian group that was eliminated in the Dark Ages. (LS3: 63)
You have at least heard, in passing, of famous Assamites such as: Djuhah, one of the four Seraphs of the Black Hand, and the former disciple of Izhim Ur-Baal; Fatima al-Faqadi, a famous high-ranking assassin among the warriors; and Tariq the Silent, a serial diablerist who ranks amongst the most highly sought anathema of the Camarilla, and also serves as a Dominion of the Black hand. (CbA: 66; CbA [Rev]: 95-96; KmW: 69-72)
Lore: Assamite ****
You have heard of the various Assamite conflicts with the Baali and how the Children of Haqim apparently fought back infernalist forces bent on overtaking the Second City. You have heard tell of how early Assamites would leave tokens of unleaved bread at the battlesites when the Baali fell. You also know the story of how Ur-Shulgi originally appeared in one of these battles, and that he is said to have single-handedly slain the entire Baali force at that time. You have also heard tell of the battle of Chorazin, and know that it is from the Baali, not Caine, that the Assamites acquired their original Clan curse to thirst after Cainite blood. (CbBaali: 25; CbA [Rev]: 12-14, 22-23; LS3: 51-53)
You have heard further unsubstantiated legends that Haqim granted himself Cainite lineage by slaughtering the King and Queen of En'esh (Enoch) and drinking of their blood. You know that no other Cainite tradition recognizes these figures, who according to the legend were two additional members of the Second Generation (CbA: 14)
You are aware that initiation onto the Path of Blood is no simple task, and that it requires an initiate to meditate and study under a master for several months, feeding only off of animals, and undergoing ceremonies seemingly reflective of Sufi ritual (which is what has gained Path adherents the nickname "dervishes"). You know that all adherents to the Path are supposed to be branded permanently with the Enochian glyph for death, and that as they advance on the Path, other tattoos an symbols may be added to the pattern, often using tools made from the fangs and claws of slain enemies. (CtB: 35-39)
You know that the Path of Caine is a result of "heretical" devotees of the Path of Blood who chose to exalt the teachings of Caine over those of Haqim after uncovering certain Noddist texts. You are aware that this movement has been said to have been one of the bolstering forces on the Anarchs' side during the Anarch Revolt. You further know that the large majority of modern practitioners of this Path of Enlightenment rank among the Assamite antitribu. (CtB: 43-48)
You know all of the current members of the Council of Scrolls and have heard of Sarah Schneier (Seat of Copper and Lightning) who was destroyed for her part in the Schism under mysterious circumstances. (CbA [Rev]: 39, 99-100; Assamites.com)
You have heard that the Schismatics have digitally preserved the Alamut libraries which Ur-Shulgi ordered sealed, and that great magical defenses have been put in place to preserve them. (CbA [Rev]: 100)
You know that the Assamites superficial similarities to the historical assassin group known as the Hashashin is not purely coincidental, and that the organization was said to have been created by a rogue Assamite ghoul Hassan-i-Sabah, also known as the False Haqim. (LS3: 62-63)
You know that the Heartsblood could be used to recall the blood of any Cainite who has had their blood added to it, and that using this power, another Assamite could work magic upon them from Alamut through this. You further know that it was said to grant divine insight to any who drank of it. (CbA: 25; LS3: 76-77)
You have heard of the Web of Knives, an elite secret assassination organization within the Clan, although you know little about them. (CbA [Rev]: 59-60; PGttLC: 217-218; LS3: 62-63)
Lore: Assamite *****
You have heard any and all extant stories pertaining to Haqim, his teachings and his life, and have probably read the entire corpus of his ascribed writings.
You have heard the complete story of Chorazin, and know of Izhim abd'Azreal, the first Assamite to succumb to the curse. You also have heard rumors that Ur-Shulgi is working on a way to break the curse of the Baali, in addition to the curse of the Tremere, and that thus far he and Loyalist sorcerers have managed to procure some few charms and amulets that seem to dissipate the hunger for Cainite vitae for a single lunar cycle. You have no clue, however, as to how to go about obtaining such an artifact. (CtB: 38; LS3 53-54)
You know roughly how the Web of Knives operates, and have heard a fair amount of it's history. You know the group has been around since at least the 12th century, and that the process an initiate must go through requires seven years of service as a ghoul, and then seven more years of training as a Cainite. You know that those who fail to pass the tests set forth by the organization are killed and diablerized. (CbA [Rev]: 59-60; CbA [Rev]: 57-58; PGttLC: 217-218; LS3: 62-63)
You have heard a terrible terrible rumor about precisely what Sarah Schneier discovered regarding the nature of Ur-Shulgi, and you have heard stories about the grisly spirit that guards her remaining digital copy of the Assamite libraries... (Assamites.com)
Credit to the Source: http://www.unmasqued.com/lores_assamite.php It's a great page, looks like a fun game.