Lodin’s Boardroom

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As the Lupine rampage that gutted the Kindred population of Chicago raged across that city in the mid-1990s, its then-Prince, having declared a Blood Hunt against the werewolves, met his end at the claws of the feral savages. Half of Chicago’s Kindred died with him during that horrific pogrom. Among the be- longings rumored to have been abandoned in Lodin’s boardroom haven are:

  • -- A mystic Kindred “Domesday Book,” the Roll of the Damned, which is believed to list every Kindred to have existed since the origin of the Curse of Caine.
  • -- A Kabbalistic amulet, believed to date back to the 13th century, bearing the True Name of the Brujah Methuselah Menele.
  • -- A letter of succession, granting the Brujah Maxwell first right of Praxis in the event of Lodin’s untimely end or overthrow.

Whether these Kindred artifacts actually reside in the heavily fortified boardroom has yet to be verified, and no few skeptical Kindred suspect that “lost relics” are just the sorts of rumors that spread in the wake of any Kindred tragedy. Others believe the rumors are bait, tools of the Jyhad placed by one of the ancient Kindred suspected of dwelling in the city (especially one granting the domain to Maxwell...). Regardless of their source, the items’ potential value is too great to go uninvestigated by enterprising vampires.