Lilith's Summons

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Level IV Rituals

Original Text: The Lamia's blood may be smelled in the world of the dead. By spitting blood on a target, the Lamia can "mark" that target, causing Spectres (malevolent wraiths) to home in on the target. The Lamia can also use the blood in a more ritualistic manner, to summon Spectres, through this power offers no control over the Spectres called.

System: The player spends three Blood Points and the Lamia spits on the target (Dexterity + Archery, difficulty 7). The blood may be washed off, but the mystic taint remains for the duration of the scene. The Spectres arrive within the scene. Statistics for Spectres may be found in Dark Reflections: Spectres or Wraith: The Oblivion Second Edition. Storytellers without these books should use the Gaunt statistics in Chapter Nine of Vampire: The Dark Ages.

Suggested modification to create a ritual: The Lamia must consume the blood of a specially prepared corpse. The corpse must have belonged to a person whose deeds in life and morals were sufficiently inhuman have ensured that he or she would become a specter rather than a wraith. Thereafter, the Lamia may spit blood that attracts the attention of Spectres - though it offers no way to control the actions of the entities attracted. The Lamia may spit this blood once per success on the ritual roll, and each spit costs one point of Blood. Unused "charges" are lost at the next dawn. - Jamie

DAC 101