Lightening Quick

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The Avatar is a lightning bolt on two legs, zooming past in a blur, trailing leaves or grit or loose debris from the ground he’s already covered. This Flair doubles the amount of distance he can cover in a Dash action, after calculating the new Dash distance based on his FINESSE. What’s more, it negates the movement penalties a character should accrue for dashing through water or mud that is from between ankle- to shoulder- height in depth as long as A.) the character began his Dash action on terrain with no such penalty, and B.) the character continues to perform consecutive Dash actions. As long as he keeps dashing, his feet skim the surface of the water or muck like a skipping stone. If he should slow down or stop, however, he sinks into the sucking terrain to suffer the normal penalties. Activating this Flair costs one point of Divinity.