Lesser Possession

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Jamie's Esoterica

Level 4 Thaumaturgy, based on Hermetic Spiritualism.

This advancement of the ritual Minor Gift allows the caster to become a conduit by which a spirit may more easily affect the real world. Essentially, it allows the caster access to the spirit's gifts, which he may channel into the physical world. This is a novel experience to many spirits, who cannot normally reach across the gauntlet, and the less canny may agree just to see what it is like. Of course, most will insist on some price, the better to advance their own interests. The bond can be severed at will by either participant, and overdrawing the spirit's gifts (and thus using up its essence) could alienate a spirit who does not feel it is getting enough out of the bargain.

System: The ritual takes 15 minutes to cast per level of the gauntlet (minimum one hour). It lasts based on successes (one scene, one hour, one day, three days, one week). The spirit remains with the caster, noticeably overlapping his physical form in the Near Umbra. If the caster attempts to take an action that would directly violate the chinmage requirements of the spirit, the spirit will attempt, through an opposed willpower roll, to abort the action, and the bond is immediately severed. Depending on the action the Shaman wishes to undertake, it could have severe consequences on the spirit, even causing slumber. Violating their own essential nature is bad for a spirit. Needless to say, word of even the attempt to do something like that will spread quickly among the networks of associated beings: Many in the spirit world are horrible gossips.

Part of the Spiritual Commune Series.