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The Lesidhe appoint themselves as woodland guardians, a position whose duties they seemingly regard as largely consisting of making life difficult for human ramblers and forestry workers. The local Lesidhe generally seem content to frighten and bewilder mankind by causing them to lose their way in the heart of the woods. This of course can be quite distressing, but we should perhaps be grateful as many of their East European relatives are said to include rape and battery amongst their activities. By name and by nature comparisons can be drawn between the Lesidhe and the Slavic arboreal god, Leshy.

A Lesidhe is strong, fast, and intelligent. (Strength 8, Dexterity 6, Stamina 8, Intelligence 6, Perception 5, Wits 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 6, Appearance Varies according to shape) Lesidhe can shape change at will, though they will usually find preferred shapes (male or female). They have very few human skills or talents, other than combat and being athletic. Lesidhe will have a large natural knowledge, though human dealings or ideas will be totally foreign.