Lay Token Geas

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Lay Token Geas

Dice Pool: Charisma + Presence

Cost: 1 Legend + 1 Willpower (or 1 Legend + 1 Willpower dot)

With this power, the Scion taps into the potent flows of enech and may levy the expectations of greatness on those around him. This roll is opposed by the target’s (Wits + Integrity + Legend), and the roll itself has a difficulty of the target’s Legend +1. If this roll is successful, the target is bound by a geas of Token potency for two months per net success in the roll, to a maximum of a year and a day. Alternately, if the Scion expends a full dot (rather than a point) of Willpower, the geas is laid permanently.

The Scion may not levy simply any sort of geas, however. The actual choice of the geas is not up to the Scion, but up to enech itself — the Scion merely draws the attention of enech and acts as the conduit for the geas. The Storyteller chooses a geas that is poetically appropriate for the victim, keeping in mind the most extreme parts of the character’s personality (as often exemplified in his highest or lowest Virtues). Thus, a target who has cut a swathe through the innocents around him and discovers that he has a high Vengeance Virtue rating might be levied with the child-geas, where no child can ever come to harm within the Scion’s ability to prevent it.

It should be noted that a geas is explicitly not a curse — each geas comes with benefits for those who keep the geas. Rather, the Tuatha consider geasa to be the means by which one helps shape the actions of heroes and legends. They are combination carrots and sticks meant to motivate a particular sort of behavior.