Lawrence Meeks

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Nosferatu -NOLA- New Orleans -NOLA- Baton Rouge -BR- Camarilla

Nosferatu lawrence meeks.png


Appearance: A very tall, gaunt Nosferatu.

Behavior: Unlike many in his clan he is unusually talkative. There is nothing he likes better than good conversation, little he won't do to get some, and even less he won't do to keep it once he has gotten it. If he feels the other conversationalist is getting bored or ready to leave, he will use his vast store of intriguing little city secrets to keep them interested so they will stay and talk with him longer.

Very little goes on in New Orleans that Lawrence does not know about, but getting such information out of him is not easy. He does not readily reveal information, nor can it be bought or traded. He does, however, like to talk and if a conversationalist is willing to stay long enough, he often lets little bits of his information slip to keep a conversation interesting.

History: Lawrence no longer lives in New Orleans as he is now Prince of Baton Rouge. But he is a legendary figure and that legend is firmly rooted in New Orleans. He came to the city in 1805, joined Prince Doran's spy network in the same year, and headed it from 1830 to 1885. Shortly after Lawrence took charge of the network's activities he decided that there were far too few Nosferatu doing the job he felt only they were truly suited to do. The network relied too much on information from other clans, and Lawrence felt only Nosferatu could keep it running effectively.

To solve the problem he created three childer — Avery, Roger and Martin — and brought them into the network. He taught them his techniques and molded them into his perfect spies. While the first two lived up to Lawrence's expectations, the third far exceeded them. Martin learned everything he could from his sire; when Lawrence retired from the prince's service, he turned over his position to his third childe.

After retiring, Lawrence lived in the French Quarter for several years but, during World War II, he moved to Baton Rouge and assumed the city's princeship. While this would seem to be the base of his power, barely a handful of vampires reside in Baton Rouge. Because of the secrets he learned during his years in the network, however, most of Louisiana's Kindred fear and respect him. His advice is often sought out, and some Kindred gossip about what role he might have played in Marcel's climb to power.

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