Kyle Dunscirn's Statistics

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Kyle Dunscirn

13th Giovanni (Dunscirn family).
Embraced 1953, Born 1888. Apparent Age: Early 30's

Attributes: Str 3, Dex 4, Sta 4 / Cha 4, Man 5, App 4 / Per 4, Int 3, Wits 4.

Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 4, Empathy 3, Expression 5, Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Streetwise 5 (smuggling), Subterfuge 5
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 2, Drive 4 (Drag Racing, Avoiding Notice), Etiquette 3 (haggling), Firearms 4 (shotguns), Melee 4 (knife, club), Performance 3, Security 4, Stealth 2, Survival 2
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computers 2, Finance 5, Investigation 4, Law 5 (financial), Linguistics 3, Medicine 2, Occult 3, Politics 4, Science 1, Glasgow Lore 4, Glasgow Secrets 3, Giovanni Lore 3, Brujah Lore 2, Ventrue Lore 1.

Disciplines: Dominate 5, Potence 5, Presence 3, Fortitude 4, Celerity 2, Serpentis 3.
Discipline Techniques:

Backgrounds: Allies: 5 (black marketeers), Contacts 5, Domain 5 (Security 4, Population 1 - warehouse compound), Generation 0, Herd 4 (captives), Influence (4 - smuggling, 1 - Glasgow Police), Military Force 3 (family soldiers), Resources 5, Retainers 5, Status 1 (neonate). Giovanni Status 1.

Humanity 3, Self Control 3, Conscience 2, Courage 3 (4). Willpower 7.