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Queens -x- City Gangrel -x- New York City -x- Captain John Politz -x- Path of the Grey Hunter

City Gangrel Korinna.jpg

Sobriquet: On the streets of New York she has become something of an urban legend called the Primrose -- harbinger of death. While the Asian street culture has come to call her the Ghost-Child with fearful reverence.

Appearance: In form, Korinna is a preadolescence girl. Her childlike body is athletic and tan, while her glossy blonde hair shimmers with a supernatural sheen. It is only when she looks up that the illusion of mortal childhood is dispelled, for her eyes are cat-like and as green as emeralds.

Behavior: Once a mortal has seen her eyes, the hunt has begun and she sloughs off the illusion of fragile humanity to stalk her prey. But she likes to drag out the game as long as possible, to build up the mortal's sense of protectiveness or their power over her. She does this to build up her own blood-lust and to heighten their belief that they are the ones in control. So that when she does decide to end the deception, their first emotion is one of broken trust and or a complete loss of self-esteem. Later, as the hunt proceeds, she slowly peels back the layers of civilization exposing the primordial urges that lie beneath. In the end, the prey is reduced to fight or flight as she reveals what she really is, but it is that final moment that she has been waiting so long for, as she sinks her fangs into her screaming prey. But as she has told John, there are infinite variations of the game and the longer the game is allowed to play itself out, the better the final hunt and the deeper the flavor of the blood.

History: John doesn't actually know that much about her. She appeared to him one night after he lost control and slaughtered a homeless oriental family, she offered to show him how real vampires exist and then helped him clean up the mess. Over the last decade she has slowly tutored him in the essential elements necessary to following the Path of the Grey Hunter. Their relationship has been one of companionship and competitive illustration. The question isn't so much how John perceives their relationship, but rather, how she views their relationship.

Recent Events: Primrose has begun to appear more and more often to John. While far from a constant companion, she seems to have settled in the region of Queens and has taken a more serious interest in John's unlife. How she will react to Tremen Hall remains to be seen.

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