Koldunic Rituals

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Koldunic Sorcery

Koldunism is the best explored branch of Animistic (spirit based) magic in the White Wolf system. All such magics rely on some basic assumptions, and therefore can be considered different styles of Animistic Magic. As with Necromancy, practitioners of one style can learn and cast rituals and paths based on other styles at a +2 difficulty. With enough effort (and a mentor), a character may become familiar enough to master more than one style.

Styles include Koldunism, Telyavelic Thaumaturgy, Shamanism (Native American), Ancient Celtic Magic, and many others based on traditional practices from all over the world. The uniting principle in these styles is that the magic uses the power inherent in elemental forces and living spirits.

Koldunism Level 1

Koldunism Level 2

Koldunism Level 3

Koldunism Level 4

Koldunism Level 5

Koldunism Level 6

Koldunism Level 7

Koldunism Level 8

Koldunism Level 9

Koldun have their own versions of the following Thaumaturgy rituals from Dark Ages: Vampire: Communicate with Kindred Sire, Defense of the Sacred Haven, Deflection of Wooden Doom, Blood Walk, and Ward Vs Ghouls (and all other wards).
These rituals do not depend on Hermetic principles and so share none of the procedures. Tremere cannot teach their rituals to koldun and vice versa — at least not without massive effort to tear apart and conceptualize the entire ritual anew. Storytellers may allow or disallow any blood sorcery rituals from other supplements to convert to Koldunic Sorcery, though caution and restraint are advised to prevent abuse of the system. (PGHC p. 190)