Know Thy Enemy

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Description: All skilled fighters fear the mob. Even the best of all time can be overrun with enough rabble. The Magus can level the field by being aware of everyone that is against them. This spell gives them a chance to win with the mob.

Origin: Brian O'Reilly/Sorka

Ingredients: Each figure must be good quality(3+ success on a crafts roll). Each must be unique both in material they are made of and how they are carved/detailed. The seventh figure must represent the caster, this is a mystical representation and must be very clear. (Craft roll of 5+ and elements that represent the caster) The caster can make the seventh figure from a normal material and no design if they choose to inscribe their true name on it instead.

Casting: Caster sets out a ritual circle. This space must be clear of all things. The caster puts six items inside the circle and sits in middle of them. Caster holds a seventh item that represents themselves, which holds the power. The caster spends time focusing and concentrating on each one in great detail. At the end of the casting time the caster must be able to hold all six items in their mind and focus that knowledge into the seventh item. Caster spends a point of willpower to cement their power into the seventh figure.

System: Roll Int + Rituals, successes equal number of attackers awareness applies to. Ritual removes penalty's for number of additional combatants up to successes. This ritual lasts for one scene. The icon is usable once, using the icon is a free action. The icon is permanent until used but is destroyed when the magic is released. If the icon is damaged or destroy before used the ritual will not work.

Style notes: As part of the Celtic style of magic. Each Figure will have Celtic symbols and be carved using that style to represent each figure. The circle is drawn using names of Celtic gods/goddesses, as well as elements. This is assumed as part of my style(should we each write up our styles?)

Note: The item the represents the caster holds the magic of the caster but does not need to be important to the caster in any other way. This ritual was designed to counter the increase in dif to dodge/parry with each additional attacker. The Caster would still need the action to do so but could dodge and parry with the same dif with up to 6 people attacking at once. Recent change is due to play testing.