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Either young in years or young at heart, you give the impression of needing to be taken care of by older, wiser folks. That impression may be deceiving, but you’re glad to use it to your best advantage. You could be an actual child – somewhere between post-toddlerhood and late adolescence – or chronologically an adult with a childlike personality. Whatever your actual age might be, your concerns are simple, capricious, and typically self-involved. There’s a kind of Innocence to you, and it provides the source of your strength. People want to protect that sense of wonder and hope and tend to offer you a compassion they might not feel toward other folks.

The extreme of innocence, though, is Immaturity. Trusting too easily, acting too rashly, jumping into things without considering their potential consequences… you’re guilty of all these things and more. You can slide from charming child to spoiled brat in the space between two heartbeats, and the traits that inspire people to take care of you can become infuriating as well. If and when you want to reach a higher state, you’ll have to put certain childish things aside.

– Regain Willpower when you bring out the nurturing side of someone who doesn’t normally care much for other people.