Kathryn O'Rourke

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As a beginning:

My soul was removed via level 4 bone path and put into a different body using level 5 bone path.

The body belonged originially to a Giovanni of the family of Dunsirn. 8th generation

I was 'rescued', along with Chelsea, by Chelsea's sire Prici Qadim Malik and transported to the Middle East. After some time to come to grips with my new existence I chose a time of Rebirth for myself. I adopted the Path of Lilith (Taught by Chelsea's sire) and began the study of Necromancy. With the very discreet help of a Tzimisce (Bruce) I changed my physical self from that of a well built Italian man, to a good looking Irish women. My goals for this were both to feel better in touch with Lilith and to try to hide from previous associations.

This including the lose of all ghouls, boons and mortal ties. Some of those were picked up by Chelsea including ghouls and some of my business contacts.

I spent 10 years in hiding putting my persona together. Part of this time including finding the first of the Vathe(sp?).

I was recruited near the end of this time by a cabal of necromancers, that was centered in New Orleans.