Kaitlin's Withdraws from the Game

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Missives: Out-of-Game

Announcement: On November 16th, 2013. Kaitlin Porter withdrew from our vampire game. I won't try to describe her reasoning for two reasons: one, I cannot imagine withdrawing from the game for anything short of a complete change of life and two, its isn't my place to speak for her or her motivations. What I can tell you is this: Kaitlin and I had a falling out on a none-game matter and I presume, as an emotional reaction she seemed to immediately withdraw. I want to state unequivocally that I never asked her to leave the game, either directly or by implication. I did tell her, that for reasons of my own, that I would no longer tell stories including her character; this stemmed from the very same falling out mentioned earlier. I did also state that I would be willing to play alongside her as a player-character and that I bear her no ill feelings. Because the Madame Mina character has been so central to the game, I have taken the liberty of posting an imperfect version of the character in the Clan Ravnos pages as a background NPC for the other player characters as they have interacted with her to such a great degree. Let me also state in closing, that I have no objection to Kaitlin continuing to play, the deletion of her character was her own doing and any changes that I have made to the original page were simply to clarify details for the NPC Madame Mina.

So gamers, you now know as much as I do about this event and I want to illustrate the reason for my posting of this article to be one of transparency.

- Bruce (11/19/13)

P.S. -- Kaitlin, as this website is your creation, please let me or one of the other players know if you wish us to take over its administration and cost. Please do not take the website down because of our personal falling out; I don't ask this for myself, but rather for the myriad of other players, both new and old, who use the site. I feel that the website is a community asset and as such, you are due some remuneration in terms of its upkeep and I think we would all like to maintain the website for future community interactions.

Kaitlin, if you read this, I for one am sorry to see you go, and hope that you will reconsider sometime in the future. I would be happy to incorporate you into the Glasgow game I'm currently running, or whatever I will be running in the future. In the mean time, let's find other ways to keep in touch. -Jamie