Jupiter Fulminator

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Thaumaturgy Paths -x- Cengiz's Statistics -x- Levinbolt -x- Weather Control -x- Hedge Magic



Roll: Willpower
Cost: 1 Bloodpoint
Modifiers: 3 + path level
Casting Time: - 1 to initiative for each level of the path being used. Thus at level 2, the use of the path would subtract -2 from the caster's initiative as he or she gathered enough power to unleash a bolt of lighting.
Spell Duration: Instantaneous.
Damage Type: Lethal
Instability: yes.

Levels of Effect

Note: This path does not have aspects per se; rather, its effects are limited by raw level.

●○○○○ The thaumaturge rubs his hands together for a few seconds and as he does so his hands begin to take on a glow akin to fireflies. When released the bolt does 2 dice of damage.
●●○○○ 4 dice of damage
●●●○○ 6 dice of damage
●●●●○ 8 dice of damage
●●●●● 10 dice of damage

Price of Failure

A failure in summoning the power to create bolts of lighting simple causes an obvious and harmless display of static electricity. A botch leads to a backlash that measured by the chart above.