July and 8/6/2013 Brian's Take

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Secret missions.....I hate secret missons... I had elder level Obfuscate, Stealth and Security. I could make the shadows hide me and blend in to the background of a well lite ballroom. I was spoken about in hushed whispers and feared to be around ever corner.

I choose a different path this time, becoming one with the sword and ruling others thoughts and emotions. I can move a room full of people and command an army. And yet....I am on a secret/stealth mission.....

This is my second direct misson as a Archon. I am working with a Brujah Archon named Anatole and a familar face Bruno(Bruce!). Both seem very compident at their jobs. Anatole is very skilled in Obfuscate, enough to cover others. They both can modifiy memorey's and claim to be good in a fight. The mission includes bringing them into the city quietly for a secret meeting. This is very annoying, I have not had time to put together a network of agents of any kind and a smuggling ring would not have been the first thing I set up.

It comes off a little clumsey on my part, luckily Bruno has some skill at Visceratika (I found out later that he is more than a little skilled being able to shrug off fire) and Anatole of course has his Obfuscate to cloak him.

We meet in my new graveyard and discuss our misson, which is to find a mole in the Camarilla ranks in Montreal. It seems that it is most likely a Archon of the Brujah or Tremere. This makes me very nervous since I will be working with and greatly trusting a Brujah and Tremere Archon....

We decide to assume that we may fall in our moles hands or the Sabbets, and that we should disguise ourselves in either case. I brush off Andre and use him to help our story. I need to consider learning Vissitude(become member of shadow crusade?) or learning a magic based disguise.

With that, we secret ourselves