Julius's Statistics

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Julius Valerius
Circa: 211 B.C.E.
Born: 188 B.C.E.
Demeanor: Traditionalist
Apparent Age: early 20s
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Appearance 3
Talents: Alertness 1 (ambushes), Athletics 1 (forced marches), Empathy 1 (detecting lies), Expression 1 (speeches), Intimidation 1 (pulling rank), Leadership 1 (commands), Subterfuge 1 (plausible deniability)
Skills: Animal Ken 1 (war dogs), Archery 1 (incendiary shots), Commerce 1 (evaluation), Melee 1 (gladius), Ride 1 (jumping Obstacles)
Knowledges: Hearth Wisdom 1 (household gods), Linguistics 1 (Brythonic, Latin, Pictish), Seneschal 1 (accounts), Theology 1 (household gods)
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (senators), Contacts 5 (patricians), Fame 1, Mentor 5 (Legatus Ulpius Marcellus Minor),
Relics 5 (Gladius of Gens Ulpius), Resources 4, Retainers 1 (Albus the manservant), Status 3
Merits: Ability Aptitude - Melee (1pt - Mental ), Ability Aptitude - Politics (1pt mental), Ambidextrous (1pt - Physical Merit), Lion-Hearted (1pt mental), Prestigious Sire (1pt Social Merit)
Flaws: Enemy - Bran Mak Morn (5pt Social Flaw)
Destiny: Julius will survive the destruction of the Ninth Legion, though he will fail in his life long goal of recovering the Eagle of the Ninth. Despite the destruction of the Century under his command and the loss of the Eagle of the Ninth, he is promoted to Narrow Band Tribune so that he may escort Empress Julia Domna to Rome as leader of her bodyguard. There he will witness the assassination of Geta and the purges of Caracalla that will include his father. As the confidant of Julia Domina he will be promoted to Broad Band Tribune and undertake a secret mission for the Empress. Ultimately, upon his return to Rome, he will ascend to his father's office with the aid of senators loyal to his father and the subtle support of the Empress. He is one of the key instigators of the plot to assassinate Caracalla on April 8th, 217 C.E.; in this, he will receive rewards from his co-conspirator Macrinus, who will proclaim himself emperor. Ultimately, after twenty years in the Roman Senate, he will retire to Londinium, the capital of Britannia Superior with his wife Valentina Iunia and their extensive family. It is there in the Londinium Mithraeum in 989 A.U.C. (236 A.D.) that he receives his just reward of immortality from his lord Mithras for his years of service as his master's mortal proxy in Rome. He will go on to serve as a high-priest of Mithras' cult during the Anglo-Saxon conquest, under the Normans, throughout the Medieval period and into the Modern Era. Likewise, after the death of Lord Camden, he take up the post of Seneschal to Prince Mithras and as Regent of London during Mithras' nineteenth century absence. Sadly, he will be unjustly blamed for a number of unfortunate events to occur in Mithras' absence and expelled from London. Believing himself betrayed by Mithras he will plot his sire's downfall with first the Tremere and then the Sabbat. He will ultimately be betrayed by his youngest childe Lady Anne Bowesley who successfully plots to supersede him as Seneschal to Mithras. In the late twentieth century, he has a change of heart and seeks to re-ingratiate himself with Mithras by aiding him during the werewolf attack of 1993; during that battle to save his lord Mithras, he falls to the claws of the Garou, but succeeds in saving Prince Mithras.