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Just as the Muspel giants (see pp. 272-273) serve as the intelligent t ruling class of the fi re giants, so do the jotuns serve as the rulers of the frost giants of Jotunheim. The jotuns are the most intelligent of all giants, with most having some levels of Epic Intelligence and virtually all having some levels of Epic Wits. Their undisputed leader is Utgard-Loki, who is not only a towering giant standing over 60 feet tall, but also among the most accomplished practitioners of magic and illusions in all of the Overworld. His fellow jotuns almost invariably possess high levels of the Magic Purview with a wide variety of spells.

Jotuns possess the typical characteristics of the elder giant template except as follows. First, jotuns are much bigger than most giants, standing (Legend x 10) feet tall, although they can choose to shrink themselves to any size smaller than that. Second, by spending a Legend point, a jotun can cause a large quantity of liquid to freeze solid with a touch, up to a maximum of (Legend x 10,000) gallons. A jotun can also heal himself of wounds by placing the injured body parts in water and then freezing the water back onto his body to repair the damage. The giant must spend one Legend point and roll his unmodified Legend rating, regaining one health level per success.

Finally, all jotuns are gifted sorcerers, typically with dots in the Magic Purview equal to (their Legend ratings – 1) and a wide variety of spells. Jotuns are also talented illusionists. Any jotun can create a sophisticated illusion capable of fooling all of the observer’s senses through the expenditure of a single Legend point. Roll the jotun’s (Manipulation + Occult), adding a number of automatic successes equal to his Legend (plus automatic successes from Epic Manipulation, if any). These successes are resisted by a (Perception + Awareness + Legend) roll made on behalf of any observers. Those who fail absolutely believe in the truth of the jotun’s illusion, despite any evidence to the contrary.