Jonathan Nostram

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Paris -P- The Nature of the Mad in Paris -P- Malkavian


Appearance: Now, Jonathan believes to be Malcom McLeod, an immortal Highlander (!), and act as the hero of the TV-show, Duncan McLeod. While he sometimes uses Obfuscate to add subtle changes in his appearance, he has still his brown hair and eyes.

He wears higlander-like clothes (dark, long coats, jeans, nikes, etc.), and always has his katana under his coat (using Obfuscate not to be remarked), offered to him by Catherine (in fact, he borrowed it and never thought about giving it back!).

Behavior: There can be only one would be the normal quote from Malcolm McLeod. Still, he strives for a very chivalrious behaviour, helping women and children like he thinks a True McLeod Highlander would do.

He doubts his own possibilities, even if his personnal power, his derangement (which can lead to suicidal chivarly-like decisions!) and high Obfuscate makes him somewhat respected, at least avoided by most Neonates of Paris.

History: Jonathan studied medicine at the university of Pierre & Marie Curie, (Paris VI), and was soon seen as one of the most promising surgeons of France. His thirst of justice made him decide to pursue his studies at the hospital of the Police of Paris, to help save the ones uphelding justice. Working at night (when there is the most work), he became friend with some of the cops coming there, even, sometimes, going with them in nocturnal patrols, and even meddling with their investigations as medical consultant.

He discovered, then, some facts that made him think that perhaps supernatural was not so unnatural than he thought...

This created some twisted fascination for the occult, and soon he used the little holidays he had to go to Roumania, where the fabled Count Dracula was said to have lived.

When he came back to Paris, his obsession attracted the attention of true Witch Hunters, who had, at first, thought he was Kindred when one of them saw him run behind a nurse!

But he also attracted the attention of someone...

One night, he was attacked and Embraced.

Having his greatest wish accomplished was hard for his unstable mind, and soon he developped a derangement (typical of the Clan of his Sire, anyway).

Years went on. He even became Veilleur apprentice, but the cotterie he was from imploded because of divergence of viewpoints. He was approached by Meryt-Neith, which made him one of her Knights. He surprised her by refusing her Gift of Generations: He was a hero, and Diablerie wasn't an heroic action!

In 1995, he even helped Juan, a Gangrel, save his beloved Ghoul by organizing the murder of the Archbishop of Tampico (Mexico). None in Paris but Villon, Alexis and Meryt-Neith know about this, through.

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