Jasons' Downtime Plans

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Therapy for Tina, make sure the greasy cockbite didn't mentally break her too hard.

Computers and Firearms, increasing both of them - creating a new computer language would not be a bad idea at this point. For firearms, improving on the Banhammer mark 1 and using that horribly expensive machine shop to fine tune the designs, subsequently patent them.

Finance improvement - the end goal here is to start following the Giovanni money.

Auspex improvement - Similar goals. Also allows for potential communication to keep the clan lines open, as a precursor to reuniting the clan against the Giovanni.

Assamite Sorcery, adopting the path of technomancy.

Tentative renaming of the path ranks, making them more palatable to Assamite traditionalists who may want to destroy Jason for this:

1 - Eyes of Alamut

2 - Haqims' Wrath

3 - Speaking Through Babels' Spire

4 - Sight of Wind

5 - Body of Wind

If time permits, a fuller understanding of the events of the Schism - given the staunch apolitical stance of Rio, making the city a Alamut-in-exile might not be a bad plan for long-term goals (See also - Operation Jules.) Making it known among the clan that Rio's a good place to disappear would not be a bad start.