January 3rd, 2017 Montreal Gazette

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Experts at the PHAC (Public Health Agency of Canada) released a statement today that recent cases of animal death due to disease are being overblown and miss-stated. In most of the cases the animals in question were killed by something other than the disease they were carrying. The statement continues that an investigation is ongoing but that there is no public health risk. Anyone with information is encouraged to call PHAC at 1-866-225-0709 or email us at information@hc-sc.gc.ca

Prices on the Rise, Talks Continue.

The increased popularity of the Free-Quebec movement has caused tensions’ to rise between Quebec and Ontario. Most recently this has been felt on an increase in Taxes and the start of Duty on goods going down river to Ottawa. Ships are being searched and goods seized if duties are not paid. Some claim that this is in direct result to recent terrorist activity in Ottawa. The office the Governor General has sent officials to look into the matter.

Fun and Games at the Free-Quebec Rally!!

Family fun at the Free-Quebec Rally this Saturday. It will start 17:00 and continue till 22:00. There will be food and drinks, free of charge. We welcome children and will have a play area they can have a good time in. Come and support a Free-Quebec!

Police need your help!

A young woman is still missing after almost three months. Husband to be Jim Watson is concerned and has talked about giving up his office to look for this wife full time. Jim is currently on his second four year term. Ottawa’s police chief Jennifer Stanson stated that they could give no details to the press on such a high profile investigation.

Cover-up, Politics or Oppression of Free Speech.

The recent happenings in Ottawa should have sparked a great deal of story’s and commentary from the police and government officials of that city. But strangely other than brief statements claiming “accidents and misunderstandings” nothing has been made public. It makes this reporter wonder what is being covered up. I have learned that the “accidents and misunderstandings” have claimed several lives. Sources close to the police say that the power outage was due to a explosion set by an unknown party that escaped in a hail of gun fire. Is this how Canadian government keeps us safe?