Iskra Krupova

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Pzardzhik Province

Iskra Krupova Malkavian, embraced circa 1800?
Nickname: Yes, Mother (at least from Petar).
Domain: Iskra exerts influence over the majority of the Bulgarian province of Pzardzhik
Her Death: Details were still sketchy, but according to Petar, Iskra confronted her younger childe Basia about the childe's violation of her agreement with the Necromancer Benesj Cherno of Gabrovo. A physical conflict ensued, and Basia "used Dark Powers" to overcome and diablerize her sire. Some in the Southern Courts prefer to believe that Basia's violation of the contract was part of a secret agreement with Benesj to betray her sire. Some applaud the Tzimisce for his masterful manipulation of the Malkavian elder. Others believe that the whole situation is a ruse by Iskra to draw out Benesj and his brother Milan.
Description: Iskra is a short, plump, older woman with graying hair pulled severely into a large tight bun at the back of her head. She usually wears sack-like floral print dresses that cover from neck to toe.
Notes: As a Malkavian, she is obviously mad. She has been known to flit from paranoia to obsessive paranoia, holding each for a decade or more. Her recent fear seems to be that the Camarilla is bent on infiltrating and destroying the Southern Courts, starting, of course, with Pzardzhik. The Ordo Dracul MUST be in on the scheme, since they are so cozy with the plot's spearhead, Baron Milan Svarozicev, the Camarilla Prince of Bankya.
In conversation, she tends to lecture or scold. She is obviously right, and only innate stubborn mule-headedness gets in the way of everyone agreeing with the obvious truth. She is, of course, quick to praise those who agree with her.
Iskra makes only infrequent visits to other members of the Southern Court. Her visits usually correspond with an investigation of whatever her current obsession is, a trait that has begun to annoy some of her neighbors.
Childer: Iskra is aided by two childer, the chronically depressed Petar Marinov, and Basia Iskranova, who oversees her outlying holdings. It is rumored that Petar once embraced a childe, but the fate of that childe is unknown.

Iskra is a member of the Southern Court largely because she has a few friends among the more active members of the sect. She rarely leaves her domain, and almost never attends "open" meetings of the group. She has several ghouls who are known to the courts in general, and are known to speak her will to the other lords of the Court. Obviously, this is a less than effective means of getting her way, but she rarely wants much from her peers.

Iskra's moves against the upstart Viovode of Gabrovo have captured the attention of many jaded members of the Southern courts. While few actually believe that she is correct (her claims of a conspiracy between the Inner council of the Camarilla and the League of Ordea against the Southern Court are pretty ludicrous on the surface), she is a known quantity who respects her neighbors and keeps to her own domain. Many are sitting back to watch the fun.

    • Disclaimer: For the sake of the game, please don't access character sheets unless you need to!

Iskra's Character Sheet