Invoke the Greater Sign of Power

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Koldunism Level 3

With a successful casting, the koldun takes on the visage of his most favored element, as determined by his highest-ranked way. Those attuned to earth grow stony skin, cracked and pitted as by the wear of centuries. Their footfalls resound heavily and their voices grate with slow implacability. Koldun attuned to air appear to blur along every outline, surrounded by spiraling winds and constant meaningless whispers... Water marks its masters with a wet sheen and footprints of mud. Fire lends a ruddy hue to the skin and the distortion of heat waves rising perpetually from the caster’s body. Spirit’s mark is most subtle, a vague sense of otherworldly power and the flicker at the edge of peripheral vision as of a host of invisible beings thronging about the caster.

System: Regardless of cosmetic effects, this ritual makes all Koldunic Sorcery easier. The elemental attunement makes other tasks more difficult, however, as the caster is too focused on mystical matters to pay full attention to his surroundings. The mechanical effect of this fixation is a reduction of all Koldunic casting difficulties by 2 and the increase of all other rolls by one. This transformation also intimidates mortals as Invoke the Lesser Sign of Power. The effects of this ritual last until dawn.