Invocation of Incarceration

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Galchobhar as an original Titan Spawn and an Undead possesses a unique ability or Invocation
that he may use but once per story. This invocation forms a bridge between himself and his spawning-ground,
the demiplane of dread. The invocation brings forth a mist which enshrouds Galchobhar and whisks him away to
this realm of terror where he is imprisoned until he finds a gate that allows him to return to Earth or anywhere
else. There are two main advantages for Galchobhar in utilizing this invocation, the first is that it is nearly
instantaneous and makes an excellent escape from potentially fatal situations, the second is that in his dread realm
of origin he can heal aggravated damage without any expenditure other than simple rest. However, this power can be
somewhat capricious in that it may deposit him in unfamiliar locations within the demiplane and that it can hijack
anyone or anything nearby. As the demiplane is the creation of a unknown number of unidentified gods and is sinister
in nature, its growth and development remain speculative at best, but its malignant nature suggests it feeds on darker
emotions and acts as a prison of sorts for those it finds appealing.

Tir Carchar -- The Prison Ground {pronounced: tear-car-car}