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Intrusion covers breaking and entering, evading simple security devices, picking locks, cracking safes — and preventing others from doing the same. When bypassing active security, your roll must succeed on the first attempt, and failure activates any alarms present (opening manual locks may be attempted multiple times, though). Intrusion rolls can range from 5 (standard locks) to 9 (Fort Knox), depending on a security system’s complexity (the Storyteller decides the actual difficulty). Certain tasks might require a minimum level of Larceny Skill for the character to have any chance of succeeding (e.g., Larceny 1 might let you pick a simple lock, but not crack a safe). Bear in mind that most intrusion tasks require lockpicks or other appropriate tools. On a botch, the character’s clumsy break-in attempt goes horribly awry.

Setting up security measures is a standard action, but multiple successes achieved in the effort increase the system’s quality (essentially adding to the difficulty for it to be breached).

Note, here, that the Larceny Skill comes into question when evading the physical, mechanical aspects of the intrusion effort. Dealing with the technology behind the systems themselves involves the Technology Knowledge. The intrusion example is an example of getting into or out of somewhere, not rewiring alarm systems or confounding surveillance camera feeds.