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Physical Merits & Flaws

2 Point Merit

You look innocent - even if you're not. something about you causes you to exude an air of dewily pristine virtue to which others, even other vampires, instinctively respond to in a highly positive fashion. They want to protect and shelter you from the horrors and unpleasantness of the world, making them very easy to manipulate, and will often not believe anything bad that might be said about you. They won't necessarily disbelieve the evidence of their own eyes, however, so it often behooves you not to get caught in too many compromising positions and to take special care to dispose of any genuinely damning evidence of your activity. Rather than the aura associated with your Road, you radiate a strangely appealing aura of innocence, which is difficulty for others to resist. Your aura modifiers are as follows.

Road RatingAura Modifier
10-3 difficulty