Inner Council of Seven

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The Inner Council of Seven, also referred to as the Council of Seven and the Inner Council, are the seven eldest and highest-ranking active members of clan Tremere's Pyramid. Each of them is an advisor of the clan's founder, Tremere himself.


The body of the Council is descended from the original seven conspirators, including Tremere, who founded the chantry of Ceoris; this group eventually became the group of seven mages who were artificially Embraced as the first Tremere vampires.

After the founder Tremere committed diablerie on Saulot and transformed the Tremere into a full-fledged clan, he established the Council of Seven from his honorary childer, blood bound them to himself, and scattered them across various domains in Europe and the Middle East.

Centuries later, as European Kindred and kine had spread across the globe, the Council likewise expanded their domain: where each Councilor had originally led the Tremere of one specific region of Europe, each would now preside over an entire continent. Founding MembersEdit

The known founding members of the Inner Council are


Current Members

As of 1995, the members of the inner council were:

   Abetorius (childe of Meerlinda; not a founding member)
   Elaine de Calinot (not a founding member): Africa {Missing}
   Grimgroth (childe of Tremere himself; not a founding member)
   John Diamond Council of Seven -- He was the childe of Meerlinda and Pontifex of North America, since his sire's death 
      he has been raised to the Council of Seven and has moved the councilor's seat to his chantry in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
   Thomas Wyncham (not a founding member): Asia
   Xavier de Cincao (not a founding member)