Infernal Servitor

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Daimonion 7

In their pursuit of darkness, some Baali call upon assistance from Hell itself. These damned vampires have, using arcane pacts and diabolical will, summoned upon demonic attendants. An endeavor of this sort is not without its perils, of course. Although a demon is supposed to obey its undead master, rumor claims that many Baali have suffered horribly at the hands of their hellish servants. Such legends suggest that trafficking with beasts of the Pit will be the Baali's downfall. Then again, such stories may be panicked claims spread by Cainites fearful for their own tainted souls.

System: The player spends three Blood Points and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). the number of successes indicates the type of demon summoned: <table: width="400" border="1">

Success Demon Summoned 1 Success Imp 2 Demonhound or Imp 3 Demonhound, doppleganger, Imp or Incubus/Succubus 4 Any of the above infernal hosts or a Demonic Warrior servitor 5 Any of the above, or a Demonic Tempter

A mortal form must also be on hand; this subject may be a carefully selected sacrifice or simply some poor fool who stumbled in at the wrong time. The victim is possessed (or, in the case of the demonic warrior and tempter, mostly consumed) by the monster once it is summoned. The demon performs one task of the Baali's choosing and returns to the nether world, leaving the husk of its mortal victim behind. while it is bound to its summoner, the demon always tries to twist its command to its best advantage. Usually, the more demanding the takes, the more likely the demon will find a loophole through which to trouble the Baali. On a botch, a minor demonic lord appears to drag the presumptuous Baali back to its fiery lair.