Impaler's Fence

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Vicissitude 7

Some powerful Tzimisce use this power to mark the edges of their demesnes. To activate this power, the Fiend must grasp a victim, holding them for a full turn. The victim's spinal cord springs through the crown of his skull and his anus, generally causing the victim's death. Furthermore, the rigid spine-shaft uncoils to a length of 10 feet and (if the victim stands on soil, earth or other soft material) affixes the victim to the ground, thereby forming a "stake" or "signpost" of sorts.

System: The vampire grasps her victim and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty 8). If the vampire succeeds, the victim takes (10-Stamina) health Levels of damage. Furthermore, the victim is considered horribly encumbered (minus three to Dexterity).

It can be assumed that mortals who suffer this self-impalement die shortly even if the initial damage does not kill them.