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●●●●●● -- POWER TITLE

Dice Pool: Perception + Marksmanship

Cost: Expend 1 Divinity per Activation

Description: Having internalized the power of frost, the Avatar learns
to internalize it in other people... against their will, setting
them shivering with a chill no fire can warm. The Avatar
picks any target he can see and spends a point of Divinity. His
player rolls the dice (with bonus successes if applicable), at
a difficulty equal to the target’s Divinity. If the roll succeeds,
every non-reflexive action takes the victim one initiative longer,
and her Dexterity drops by one. These effects last the rest of
the scene. Repeated attacks cause further loss of Dexterity
and add to the initiative of the target's actions. Reducing
a victim’s Dexterity to 0 renders her inactive.