Hourglass of the Mind

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Temporis 1

Description: Masters of Temporis value patience and clarity. Time is too complex and dangerous to manipulate incautiously or on a whim. Thus, the first power of Temporis focuses entirely on perception and serves as a permanent alteration of a vampire’s senses.

System: Once purchased, this Discipline gives a vampire a perfect sense of time. This duplicates the effects of the Merit Celestial Attunement (Dark Ages: Vampire p. 205), save that it is infallible and precise beyond the limits of any physical instrument or unit of time to measure. The vampire knows events to the nearest second or better. Moreover, the Cainite knows whenever the flow of time is mystically disturbed by use of Celerity, greater levels of Temporis, mortal wizardry or stranger things. The vampire remains within the altered continuity of his timeline but aware that events are other than they should be. Sensing disturbances is instinctive and reflexive, though it requires a successful Perception + Alertness (difficulty 6 for most phenomena, as modified by the Storyteller for distance and intensity).