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Mere mortals suffer from vertigo when they look at a starship's controls. Not you. You've studied at the Void Engineers' academies, and know what every switch and view screen does (well, most of them, anyway). Because there is an order of simplicity, most Void craft have fairly standardized controls; given time, you can pilot anything from a Qui la Machina to a long distance exploratory vessel. Although certain experimental or top-secret craft may be out of your league, you can still puzzle out most of the vital functions. Just don't screw up when you're in deep space!
(Note: Although it can be considered a retrofitting of Pilot, the two Skills are very different. One applies to aircraft, the other to spacecraft. Hence, it's a pretty rare Skill outside the Void Engineers. While some Iterators and MIB's have been taught the rudiments of starship operation, the Voids like to keep their toys to themselves. Although some Sons of Ether may have a demented variation of this Trait, their inventions ten to be too unique and/ or esoteric to be compatible with technocracy craft.)
●○○○○ Novice: You've been trained on the basic shuttles.
●●○○○ Practiced: They let you take the helm when things are calm.
●●●○○ Competent: Typical helmsman
●●●●○ Expert: The captian wants you on the controls when trouble strikes.
●●●●● Master: Han Solo in a jumpsuit.

Possessed by: Void engineers, space marines, Cyborgs, LERMUs

Specialties: Navigation, Combat, Long Range Trips, Crisis Situations, Near-Ground Operations.