Hell-Born Investiture

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Daimonion 6

The blessedly few Baali who delve this deeply into the mysteries of Daimonion are no longer simply Caine's childer. They have been adopted by creatures of the Void, gathered up in in cocoons of inky blackness and remade in the image of their new sires. The Lords Beyond care not for the human form or for human custom; the changes they wreak on the Baali are seldom subtle or easily hidden. Horns, talons, pincers, lurid coloration, tentacles, wings - these alterations and more are recorded in the few histories of the Salubri-Baali conflict. Mortals and many Cainites mistake these changed Baali for mere "demons" while those with more knowledge know that they represent something far worse than hell.

System: The most common investiture the Baali receive is a complete immunity to fire - both to the damage and the terror it causes. Other equivalent powers (such as an insect0like carapace that converts lethal damage to bashing damage) or combinations of powers (usable bat wings and poisonous claws) may be available at the Storyteller's discretion. The "gifts" should always have a visible or tangible effect, and should never counter the most basic banes of Cainite existence - sunlight, faith or the need for blood. This Discipline may be purchased more than once to accumulate demonic traits, at an additional cost in disfigurement.

Sample Investitures

Ignore the Searing Flames: The vampire is immune to fire and of any magnitude. he also has no fear of fire and need never check for Rotschreck because of it. this investiture is often accompanied by a strong metallic or reddish cast to the vampire's skin.

Demonic Form: The Baali spouts bat-like wings from her back, while her finger-and toenails lengthen into dreadful claws that drip venom. The wings allow for flight at a speed of 30 mpg (80 yards per turn). The claws inflict Strength +2 lethal damage.

Blood Hive: The vampire may vomit three swarms of bloodsucking insects (one swarm per turn). The insects travel at a rate of 20 yards per turn, and upon reaching a blood-bearing victim may suck one blood point from that victim per turn. Cainites simply lose a blood point; mortal victims also lose a health level. Each insect cloud can carry five points of blood back to the Baali, who re-ingests the insects to receive the stolen blood. The insects may be dispatched again in the next turn. The insects cannot be fended off or crushed - only fire can damage the swarm, and they will flee from it. A Baali with this investiture is always surrounded by insects - they buzz around him, crawl in and out of his orifices, and visibly slide beneath the surface of his skin.

Tentacled Grasp: The Baali's arms metamorphose into two thick, muscled sucker-bearing tentacles or perhaps she sprouts many smaller tentacles from her torso. These tentacles are astoundingly strong; they grant and effective +2 to the Baali's Strength, and the Baali may climb sheer walls at her normal movement rate (provided that whatever she is climbing is strong enough to hold her weight). In combat, the Baali may make one free brawl attack (which may not be split) per round. Also, in close-quarters fighting, the vampire can use her tentacles on one target to inflict damage as in a clinch, but the target can only attempt to escape as if he were in a hold without the option of inflicting damage on the Baali.