Hekau Alchemy

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Hekau Path of Alchemy Hekau Path of Alchemy

This Path is fully Described in World of Darkness: Mummy, p86. Kindred praticing it will find some Rituals for original Hekau won't work.

  • : Drink of Seven Day's Rest

This Ritual can be found in World of Darkness: Mummy, p86. This Ritual is highly inneffective when used on Kindred, but have a strange side effect: Kindred can remain active during the day for 1 hour per success, without being limited by their Path rating (i.e.: Humanity, etc.).

  • : Potion of Resilience

This Ritual can be found in World of Darkness: Mummy, p86. This Ritual, and its more powerful versions are highly inneffective when used on Kindred, but have a side effect: The Kindred won't fall at once in Torpor when submitted to massive damage: Give the Kindred 1 bonus Health Level after having lost every normal Health Levels and all Blood Points. The effects have a duration of 1 Scene per level (or 1 hour per level, whichever is the least).

  • : Simple Poisons.

This Ritual can be found in World of Darkness: Mummy, p87. This Ritual is highly inneffective when used on Kindred. Note that is more potent versions have normal effects, but the Difficulty of the Resistance Roll is 4 for the poisonned Kindred.

  • : Simple Tonics.

This Ritual can be found in World of Darkness: Mummy, p87. This Ritual, and its more potent versions are highly inneffective when used on Kindred.

  • : Level 1 Power
                       System: ?

    • : A Taste for Vitae
   Difficulty: 7
   Cost: 1 Sekhem

By touching the blood of creature with the tip of her tongue, the magician can determine informations about the creature's nature. Note that to determine precise information about a Kindred's Generation, or possible Discipline, the magician must be Kindred, too. Still, information like supernatural race (Lupine, Kindred, Mage, etc.) can still be obtained.

System: See the Taste for Blood, Thaumaturgy, in Vampire: The Masquerade, p 168, or in Vampire: The Dark Ages, p164. Text

      • : The Tears of Isis

Kindred will win temporary Sekhem for the duration of his Senef Hekau only. This Sekhem can't be used as Vitae to increase Attributes or to fuel Disciplines, etc..

        • : The Vitae of Meryt-Neith
   Difficulty: 7
   Cost: 2 Blood Points per Blood Point invested

This power is a variant of the Tear of Isis. The Kindred can invest mortal blood or Kindred Vitae with will crystalise into a gem-like form of red coloration.

System: Automatic. 2 Blood Points must be invested to create a pearl-like red gem of concentrated blood. Upon ingestion, the gem revert to its normal blood state. Note that it is a good way to force a Blood Bond if Kindred Vitae is used.

          • : Vitae of Potency
   Difficulty: 7
   Cost: 2 Kindred Blood Points and 1 Sekhem per Blood Point invested

This Ritual is a variant of the Vitae of Meryt-Neith. The Vitae remains concentrated in a blue gem-like state, waiting for the right numbers of sunrises to pass to change back into Vitae. Note that the Sekhem will be freed too. The use of this power is to awaken a Kindred in Torpor, no matter the theorical or effective lenght of this Torpor. 1 Gem is necessary to awaken. More gems will become Vitae that will probably be drunk by the Kindred.

System: Automatic: 2 Kindred Blood Points and 1 Sekhem must be invested to create a pearl-like cold blue gem of concentrated Vitae. Upon ingestion, the gem revert to its normal blood state. The Kindred much choose the number of sunrises before the trnasformation of the gem into Vitae. Note that sun eclipses count as 1 sunrise!

          • : Destroy the Bond
   Difficulty: 7
   Cost: 1

This Ritual works exactly as the Vinculum Ritual of the Sabbat, but one must master Hekau Thaumaturgy to use it properly.

          • * : Level 6 Power
                       System: ?

          • ** : Level 7 Power
                       System: ?.

          • *** : Bloodline Adoption
   Difficulty: Unknown
   Cost: Unknown

This Ritual enables the Kindred to bring another into her Bloodline. The Ritual needs all the Blood of the subject to be drank by the magician, then 6 hours long Rituals as the magician gives back the Vitae, mingled with her own and with Sekhem. Then the mystically mingled Vitae is used to Embrace a mortal. The subject must then Diablerize the newly-created Vampire. The power of the Ritual is such that the subject will increase Generation as if he had Diablerized the Magician following some exception rules (See after), with the notable exception he can only raise his own Generation up to the Generation of the magician's Diablerized Childe. Also, the Ritual breaks any Blood Bond or Vinculum, the subject becoming automatically Blood Bonded to his new Sire.

System: Unknown No matter if there was or not Generation increase, the subject is considered as the magician's Bloodline, effectively changing the Clan Disciplines to her new Bloodline's. Note that there is no way to determine who is the Sire of the subject (but with enough success, a Blood Ritual could walk up through the Generation up the the magician's), unless the subject's generation is one more than the magician's. In that case, the magician is considered the Sire of the Subject.

Note that unless the Sire is Caitiff, a Caitiff Subject will lose their power to Create Disciplines. Note, too, that the subject doesn't loose his precedent Clan Weakness, even if he actually wins his Sire's own Clan Weakness!

This Ritual is the one used to bring a Kindred in the Knights of Meryt-Neith Bloodline, and a variant is used by the Founder of the Black Widow Bloodline.

Read LdA's WoD's V:tM's Diablerie Rules to learn more about the Diablerie System used by this power.