Heart of the City

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Presence 9

A character with this level of Presence has become so integral to the life of an urban area that she can affect the emotions of all who call it home. The character can make everyone in its confines feel one emotion of her choice (irritation, love, trust, hate, etc.), though only in a subtle manner. This power cannot, for example, cause the residents of a city to turn upon one another in rage - unless, perhaps, they were already in a state of great anger.

Tourists are much less affected than the city's residents. Those with a close tie to the city, but living elsewhere, will be almost as powerfully affected as current citizens.

System: The character must roll Charisma + Area Knowledge of the city being affected (difficulty 10), and must spend a Willpower point before making the roll. The number of successes indicates how long the particular emotion that the character has broadcast will be felt. The character can end this effect at any time.

1 success....................one minute
2 successes.................10 minutes
3 successes.................one hour
4 successes.................one day
2 successes.................six people
5 successes.................one week