Hardestadt the Elder

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Ventrue -x- Augsburg - medieval


Quote: The Roman scholar, Seneca, was incorrect. Unjust dominion can be eternal.



Behavior: This Ventrue was one of the harshest rulers of the Dark Medieval world, enforcing the Sixth Tradition under the threat of Final Death. For a long time, the elders of his clan supported him, believing Hardestadt to be free of the machinations of the Secret Masters, since his sire was supposedly destroyed. In 1242, hints of the continued existence of Hardestadt's sire surfaced and some came to doubt his independence from the Jyhad.

History: The specific location from where Hardestadt originated is not known, although is somewhere around modern Bavaria. During the Dark Ages, Hardestadt was one of the Cainite monarchs of the great feudal realms that spanned the European continent. He ruled over the Fiefs of the Black Cross within the boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire.

Hardestadt held no singular court, instead traveling from domain to domain, using his childer as representatives. His childe Jurgen, for example, served as his right-hand man in the Crusader States and in Livonia. This traveling court mirrored the tradition established by Charlemagne, while also allowing Hardestadt to avoid his numerous enemies and ensure that none of his childer would conspire against him. In later centuries, he was a member of the coterie dubbed the The Founders, who shepherded the foundation of the Camarilla; as a result, Hardestadt himself is often thought of as the founder of the sect. At the start of the Anarch Revolt, he was killed by the Brujah anarch, Tyler, who probably committed diablerie upon him.

Subsequently, his eldest childe secretly took his identity, thus becoming Hardestadt the Younger, leading the charade that Tyler's attack on Hardestadt had failed.

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