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Description: Son of Osiris and Isis, the God Horus is
one of the youngest of the Pesedjet. Falcon-headed with
skin the color of coffee, Horus is the most conservative
of the Egyptian Gods. He likes to reminisce about his
incarnation among mortals as a pharaoh of ancient
Egypt, and he regularly visits the Cairo Museum to gaze
on the objects buried with Tutankhamun. “Second-rate stuff,”
he is heard to scoff, and he can lecture endlessly
on the glories of his country until people fall asleep.

That said, he is an implacable enemy and a great
force for justice. In modern times, he often affects the
appearance of a fair-skinned, athletic young man with
an eye patch (in all forms, Horus is missing his left eye
thanks to a battle with Set). He has been a uniformed
police offi cer, a detective on the night beat, a marshal
transporting prisoners, a judge on the bench, an agent
with Interpol and a Canadian Mountie. Like the
Mounties, he always gets his man — usually destroying his
quarry in the process.

Horus’s Scions are similarly dedicated and driven.
Commonly pursuing careers in law enforcement, they
often cross the line between law and vengeance, to
the dismay of their superiors. In leadership roles, they
emphasize their perks at the expense of their duties.
They always have a fondness for fine and beautiful
things and tend to prefer gold to silver.

Associated Powers: MIGHT, BEASTS (Falcon), HEKU, JUSTICE, MOON, SKY, SUN

Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Leadership, Melee, Politics

Rivals: SET; Hachiman, Kalfu, LOKI, Tlaloc, ZEUS